Sunday, September 15, 2019


Black People In Amerikkka are unable to comprehend any idea of them existing outside of the physical and philosophical United States of America. No matter how many white people have black babies, or how many get along with blacks, America's GOVERNMENT and therefore society, is and always will be the fundamental core and framework of organized institutional and incorporated White Supremacy!

So the official, though unspoken, position and ultimatum to black people is: Submit to and accept white dominion, subjugation, and oppression, and enjoy being allowed to participate in an unfair, unbalanced, racially hostile, violent economy and society in which your individual and collective intellectual, financial, and physical progress will be checked and kept "at bay" (meaning restrained to a permanence below the white "mainstream" society).

Which is to say, "behave or Die" as was told to a sitting black elected official (Cynthia McKinney) before; and which means "we will allow you all to make money, become wealthy, and even marry and sleep with our people. But! you will not and better not, in any fashion, challenge, question, or even try to change the narrative (or control the flow and type of information) we have determined for your people or we will completely undo anything and everything you think you have or built (as we've shown you with [Dr.] Bill Cosby!).

And you will accept our casual killing of some of your males here and there throughout this land we stole from you (and lied to you making you think we brought you here from somewhere else, so you'll falsely feel foreign to this land and won't fight us over what is rightfully yours), as a constant reminder that we, because of our underlying racial unity ("E Pluribus Unum" [of many {we act as} one]) against your people (and the whole world for that matter) are for all intents and purposes your Gods!"

And so for this reason, black people will and do now, accept and even ignorantly promote the means and mechanism by which we continue to be dominated and controlled; our division! We are conquered because we are divided! and the beginning of our disunity is in the dividing (destruction) of the black family! And the destruction of the black family started with and remains in, the brainwashing of the black woman!

So, for all of you black women who think you are "independent" and that your success comes solely from your own efforts, look back at the history of our enslavement and see how your preferable treatment (by the slave master, and thus the collective white consciousness today) was a means of controlling the whole plantations, and the black males in particular.

And for all of you black men, if you think that conforming your life into what they allow you to do and be, such as entertainers and athletes, all of you "I'm not black, I'm O.J."s and "I'm not black, I'm ASAP Rocky"s, you my brothers are fatally mistaken; and I emphasize Fatally. All of you brothers out there who consciously or subconsciously think that being homosexual or any of those persuasions will make what you consciously or subconsciously recognize and feel as a hostile society, not be mean to you, or not view you as an enemy, again you are fatally mistaken!

My point then, is that this white supremacist world is dying and quickly! and after so many generations of ours trying and failing at securing our freedom through economic enterprise, why do you still believe in and follow this white man's way? Why do you still hope and frivolously believe in this white man's society, and ignorantly follow behind our modern day "Dr.Martin Luther Kings?"

Those very gifted, well-meaning, intellectuals of our people, who knows history, but obviously fail to understand how our people got to where we are today.
Black people, why do you continue to beat a dead horse? Why do you still beg this white man for money (reparations [a form of apology]) for something he is still doing to you today? Why are you being so stupid, in thinking this white man will ever give you anything, when he has told you you are free to go (research "2019 year of Return," a deal that President Trump made with the Government of Ghana)!?

Why do you think your freedom will come from building businesses when the last time we built businesses and entire communities, the same white man who told you to pick yourself up by your own bootstraps then left you alone to do so, came back and killed  your communities and burned your whole towns to the ground (as most famously known in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Rosewood, Florida, what's now called "Central Park" in New York, and many other states) after and because you succeeded in what he told you to do in the first place!?

Why do you continue in blind faith that it is something you have to or have to not do, which will make this white man be fair and kind to you, while he kills you in your face every day? Why is it that you think Eric Gardener, Sean Bell, Sandra Bland, Karen Gaines, Oscar Grant, and so many others have and continue to be murdered every day in this white supremacist battlefield on which we are losing, died because of what Police Officers did to them?

They DID NOT die because of what Police did to them, they died because of what they failed to do themselves! The same thing you refuse to do today! Why is it that you will not either unify and fight this man for your very survival, or at least flee from him entirely? As we see today, and as history has shown us, as other peoples have done when being subjected to far less than you black people have been enduring for a far greater time?

Why is it so hard for you, black people, to imagine an existence on this earth, without being attached to or dependent on this white supremacist society and economy that shows you every day that they hate you!?

Saturday, April 13, 2019

FBI Continuing The Legacy Of Slavery and Destroying The Black Family, To Suppress Black Upliftment

Stark County, Ohio – Aayyatta R’von Mustafa, 37, whom the government refers to as “Rievon B. Lee,” and who writes and speaks passionately about the upliftment of black families and responsible parenting, has spent a lifetime clashing with what he calls “Ann’s Clan” referring to Ann C. Austin, 52, of Philadelphia PA, over the lives and futures of the three daughters he has with Ann Austin’s daughter, Monique Wall, 34, also of Philadelphia.

Mustafa says that after taking a criminal case and doing nearly a decade in jail on a maliciously orchestrated prosecution over a 2005 conflict between Maryland State Police and Monique Wall, his 2013 release was not long after met with an ultimatum by his “baby Momma” Monique: “Come get these M-Fing kids or I’m giving them to the state!” Mustafa, while not settled back into society, let alone prepared for three children, submitted to his love for his family and traveled with his uncle Calvin Tydings to save his kids and remove them from Philadelphia; as he had moved his young family out of the ghetto when they were babies before any conflicts, to break in and with his kids, a multi-generational cycle of ignorance and degeneracy.

It was on the 14th of February 2014 that Mustafa returned to Cambridge Maryland with his three daughters to begin a process as he says of “re-humanization and rehabilitation.” Not long after that Mustafa was served by a “Counter Terrorism” unit with a document filed in a court in the state of Pennsylvania by Monique Wall, his “baby Momma” who was at that point then claiming in the filing that Mustafa stole her kids from her. According to the documents scanned and uploaded by and to Mustafa’s social media feeds, Mustafa’s girls were sent to him for the summer, and thereafter were never returned to Monique Wall.

According to Mustafa, the court filing came only after a conversation with Ms. Wall, in which she asked Mustafa to help her continue to get food stamps for the three girls who were from that point no longer living with her; a plan that Mustafa recognized as welfare fraud to which he refused. Mustafa says that this persisted with his “Baby Momma” for the remaining years that he and his daughters continued to rebuild there lives; and that it got to the point that the Pennsylvania courts had to formally tell Monique Wall to stop filing vindictive, malicious, frivolous claims as the court has no jurisdiction over the matter, with them being with their dad in another part of the country.

While Mustafa was in jail, his daughters, the oldest, Kyana especially, fell deeply into tendencies of violent behavior and delinquency. She had been expelled from nearly every school in the Philadelphia school district for fighting other students, conflicts with students’ parents, and even teachers. Once in Cambridge with Mustafa, Kyana continued her violent tendencies and began clashing with any and everyone, succinctly turning everyone who were at that time friends with her father into enemies with and for him. Mustafa woke up one July morning in 2016 to find that his door was wide open and Kyana was missing. He filed her into the national missing persons database and worked with the FBI to locate what he thought was his abducted child.

Mustafa would search all over the city of Cambridge, including the mostly whites only wealthy parts of the town, such as great Marsh Park. While searching for Kyana, Mustafa would be subjected to an illegal traffic stop by Dpty. Sherf. R. Larimer who profiled him as a black man, in the wealthy white parts of town, at night, and with a pick up truck, thus assuming he was seeking a burglary victim. Depty. Larimer falsified a claim that Mustafa was driving without headlights (again alluding to a presumption of burglary) but didn’t realize Mustafa’s vehicle had a dashboard camera. Thus Mustafa filed a formal complaint against the sheriff… who later returned in retaliation, with more and now criminal charges.

After finding her in Philadelphia and clashing with Philly police about returning his child home, Philly Police refused to return Kyana to Mustafa, and instead took her to a juvenile jail. Within a day of being released from the juvenile center to her mother Monique, who had no idea that Kyana was coming to Philly, Kyana contacted her dad requesting to be rescued fearing all of the gun violence in summer time Philadelphia. Mustafa would go and retrieve his child returning her home to Cambridge Maryland.

Upon arriving back in Maryland in July of 2016, Mustafa discovered that Kyana was actually not abducted that July morning when he found her missing, but rather that she had in collaboration with a separate adult without Mustafa’s knowledge let alone his consent, snuck out and was taken to Philly where Kyana aimed to reunite with old school friends whom she had been interacting with on Instagram.

After Kyana’s clashes with three major families in Cambridge, resulting in large groups of people coming to their residence with guns and threatening to kill all of them, Mustafa and his three girls moved to Georgia; all the while Monique continued to claim to whomever she could, that Mustafa stole their kids from her.

Once in Georgia, and the four of them now living in Mustafa’s newly acquired large RV, Mustafa resumed working as a writer, as an independent contractor, as an employee of Mortenson Construction Company, and as a full time student of Grand Canyon University Online; and Kyana resumed her violence and general confrontational tendencies. Not long after, Kyana was in conflict with multiple people, including a 35 year old woman.

Additionally, Kyana would suffer being raped by her adult first cousin, Tadrian Drayton, who thereafter manipulated Kyana into a Stockholm syndrome-styled sexual servitude which pushed Kyana to the mental and emotional breaking point. Kyana remains delusional and has yet to receive the psychiatric treatment her father has been seeking to obtain for her since the rape happened in 2017.

After finally telling her father what Tadrian had been doing to her, and her father beating Tadrian after confessing the rapes to Mustafa’s face, the Savannah courts refused to charge Tadrian on the basis that Kyana was at the age of sexual consent (despite not having consented to incest), but sought to charge Mustafa for punching the man who confessed to Mustafa’s face to raping Kyana.

Because the admitted rapist was not taken off of the streets, Kyana and later Mustafa himself would begin to receive death threats at Kyana’s job at Jimmy John’s Sandwich shop, as well as on both of their phones and social media pages. Because of Kyana’s conflict with the 35 year old woman, their RV had been “reported” and impounded by Sapp’s Wrecker Services where it remains today. Mustafa and his three girls were thus made homeless in Georgia; where friends would take in the kids, while Mustafa slept on the streets or in his work truck.

As the death threats and other problems created by Kyana increased, Mustafa being homeless and for that homelessness losing his job and being expelled from college, had no choice but to once again flee to another state to start all over. The Mustafa family, at the fierce urging of Kyana to “just get the big red house” landed in stark County, Ohio; where they ended up spending hundreds of dollars living in hotels because the house Mustafa had contracted for was falsely advertised and was nowhere close to being livable. Stark County Child Protective Services would end up paying for hotels for the family and even buying groceries for them as they stayed there.

Once Stark County CPS reached the limit to which they were allowed to help Mustafa and his family, and Mustafa ran out of money and could not remain in those local hotels. He and his girls were forced to move into the house they came across the country to buy, which was without any utilities, windows or doors, plumbing or wiring, full of garbage from the last occupants of nearly a decade before, and on the verge of complete collapse. Mustafa and his girls were forced to go to a local laundromat on 12th street near Fulton to wash in its public bathroom; as well as to soup kitchens for food.

Stark County CPS would visit with and check up on Mustafa and his family, and on their last visit would tell Mustafa that a woman identifying herself as his “Baby Momma” (Monique Wall) called them claiming (once again) that Mustafa stole her kids from her. They declined her inquiry. So, with no more options Mustafa and his three girls began to clean out the house and began work so that it could be habitable once again. Mrs. Darlene Leghart, then director of Hammer and Nails Inc., donated a significant amount of materials to help Mustafa make their house livable again. While doing this, Mustafa would take Kyana and her sisters to the public library so that they could continue their online school work with Connections Academy. Kyana was in her final school year and would graduate in June of 2017.

In June of 2017, as a reward for her hard earned achievement, Mustafa arranged for and allowed Kyana to go to Philadelphia to VISIT her mother. Mustafa had first contacted Monique Wall and explained the arrangement, telling Monique that Kyana would be flown out to her and that she was to Pick her up at the Philadelphia Airport. Further, Mustafa explained and received agreement from Monique Wall, as a precondition for the visit, that Kyana was to be returned by September 13th 2017, so that Kyana, who was at that time still only 17, could return to her two jobs and begin College.

In as much as Mustafa’s “baby Momma” had spent about a half-dozen years falsifying court filings and claims that their children were stolen by Mustafa, Monique Wall, having accepted the terms of Kyana’s visit immediately began planning to kidnap the then 17 year old minor, Kyana. Knowing Kyana was coming, Monique Wall arranged for Kyana to get copies of her Birth Certificate, Social Security Card, and thereafter a Pennsylvania issued I.D. Card. Mustafa says this was done behind his back in an attempt to falsify Kyana’s legitimacy in that state; and that as of September 13th, 2017, Monique Wall, in refusing to return Mustafa’s then under age child, kidnapped Kyana.

From September 2017, all the way up to April 6th 2019, Kyana had been constantly calling and telling her father and sisters of how much she can’t stand her mother and how bad she wants to get away from her. According to Mustafa, Kyana was bribed by her mother with a new IPhone 7 to “stay a little longer” and Kyana wanted to return home but feared having it taken away by Monique and being accused of only wanting to visit her mom to get a new Phone.

Further, Kyana said that Teron, the boy she was involved with, kept insisting that she stay and not “throw away everything” whenever she mentioned her needing to return home. According to Mustafa, her infatuation with him is her only focus on Philadelphia at all, and if not for that , as she said, she would have been returned home.

Finally, after nearly two years since Kyana was sent to visit her mother and take a “breather” in preparation for college, and many months of complaining to her father and sisters about wanting to get away from her mother after Monique refused to return the then still underage Kyana home to her father, Mustafa learned that Kyana had not been staying or even spoken with her mother for months. Mustafa and his other two daughters traveled to Philadelphia to find and return Kyana home, where she can finally get the mental help Mustafa has been trying to get for his daughter.

Mustafa and his daughters met with Kim Williams, mother of Teron Williams, the boy who has Kyana pregnant. According to Mustafa, Kim Williams never wanted her son dealing with Kyana, and Kyana’s mother also told Kyana on many occasions to stay away from the boy. Mustafa says that Kim told him that Kyana has been keeping her son away from them. That she had no idea where her son was or was staying, and that she had been telling Teron the entire time to stay away from Kyana.

Kim Williams called her son and had him come to her home as a family emergency, where he would formally meet Mustafa and learn the truth about Kyana, and all the problems she has been creating. Mustafa, listening to Teron, learned that Kyana had the teenage boy living a completely falsified “reality.” Knowing nothing of Kyana being raped, the multi-state conflicts she has created, and her psychological issues, this boy had no idea of who and what Kyana really is. After the sobering revelations, Teron informed Mustafa that Kyana was in a West Philly Ghetto.

Mustafa and his two daughters went to the location provided and made contact with Kyana. Mustafa found his teenage mentally ill daughter daughter dirty, 5 months pregnant, in nothing but panties, squatting in a single room with nothing but an inflatable bed in what he calls an “abandominium” (abandoned or nearly abandoned house in which multiple strangers who would otherwise be homeless each occupy a room). Mustafa and his other daughters cried at the sight of Kyana and her conditions. Mustafa and all three of his daughters gathered whatever things Kyana had in a trash bag, and left for home.

Upon arriving home, Mustafa said the first thing he did was get in contact with his “Baby Momma” Monique Wall, where he told her the situation with Kyana and that she was now back at home. According to Mustafa, Monique Wall was unaware of Kyana’s situation as Kyana had not been staying with her (she put Kyana out on the streets) and hadn’t really spoken with Kyana in many months. She told him that she did not know Kyana was pregnant.

Mustafa spoke to Monique of how Philly has nearly totally destroyed his daughter and that on that basis, Kyana’s connection with Philly entirely was from the point of her return home finished. Mustafa says that in their conversation that occurred within minutes after their arrival at home, Monique agreed with that and said she was fine with it; that she was done with the whole matter. The following day, Mustafa and his three girls went about their normal lives.

They went out to eat at Golden Corral, and the girls went to hang out at the Belden Village Mall, while Mustafa prepared for Kyana’s Probate Court hearings and Mental health evaluation at Phoenix Rising in Canton the following day. After the girls returned home and settled down, and as Kyana was relaxing, eating, and watching criminal minds, Mustafa heard Kyana yell for help from him as she ran up the stairs. He responded and began downstairs to see out of his dining room men in full military battle regalia aiming M4 assault rifles with dogs at and surrounding his house. Mustafa opened his door in shock and asking what was going on.

He says that after being handcuffed and asked who was in the house and where, and telling them that the only people who were there were the people who live there, the agents of the FBI simply took Kyana from Mustafa’s home and to the Canton City Police Station. Mustafa says that the FBI and Canton Police treated him like he is a criminal and would not tell him the nature of why they came and took his daughter.

Mustafa says that because of an FBI agent chiding him about “taking people against their will” did he began investigating and based on the information he gathered, Mustafa was able to figure out that Sakira Austin and Cierra Austin, two sisters of Monique Wall either themselves or pressured Monique Wall to, call Federal agents and Falsify a claim that Mustafa abducted Kyana, as if she does not live with Mustafa, and that Kyana’s life was somehow in immediate danger.

Mustafa says that this is the culmination of years of his Baby Momma, Monique Wall, and her immediate family constantly lying to courts and police and now even federal agents, in an attempt gain possession of the children shared between the two of them, as a basis on which she can increase her government assistance checks. He says that their angle now is that Kyana is 19 and so she is “grown” and can do as “she” (they manipulate her) wants to.

While Mustafa’s position as well as that of his other two daughters, is that while Kyana was a minor and was supposed to return home in September of 2017 for college, at which time she was still a minor, Monique refused to return and thus kidnapped the underage Kyana, only to throw her to the streets. They also say that Kyana has serious mental issues and with her spontaneous violent behavior is a danger to herself and to the public as a whole; and that she cannot be allowed to go unguarded in society.

It is unconfirmed but from what little Mustafa has been told, Kyana has been returned to the ghetto in Philadelphia from which her father rescued her. She doesn’t get along with and was not staying with her mother, so Mustafa has no idea exactly where his pregnant, unwed, dangerously violent, mentally ill, teenage daughter is. Thanks to the FBI!

And the FBI has threatened Mustafa about going back to Philly to ever rescue her again! While the “Ghetto Baby Momma and Welfare Queen” sits on high with Federally funded agents waiting and ready for her call and command to bring her wrath down on Mustafa; who’s life’s work, as illustrated in his social media feeds and published writings, has been to prevent his daughters from perpetuating the cycle for which he moved his young kids away from Philly to avoid form the start. “Another generation of ignorant, hood rat, trifling, government dependent degenerates.” says Mustafa.

Links to more info:


Thursday, February 28, 2019

Kevin Hart and Black Masculinity: When Financed By Your Enemy

Kevin Hart is one of the most successful Black comedians in modern times. He has had largely successful stand up comedy tours, sold out stadiums in the multi-thousands, and has landed supporting and even lead roles in major movies with superstars such as Jay-Z, Damon Dash, Dewayne “the Rock” Johnson, Snoop Dog and more. But has the married father, and Philadelphia native achieved his success solely by his own talents, or is there more to the path of stardom that my brother now enjoys?

Kevin Hart has stated many times in his early years that to host the Academy Awards, or “Oscars” as we commonly call them, was a long held dream of his. Well, very recently, it seems that his dream has come true.

Through many promotions and wide publicity we learned that Kevin Hart was slated to host the 2018 Academy Awards. I, very likely like everyone else, was excited at the revelation, and looked forward to his hilarious shenanigans throughout the ceremony.
But then, my brother was attacked. Kevin Hart is not a politician, and has no control or influence over what and how other people choose to live their lives, yet he was attacked as “Homophobic” and therefore questioned as “worthy” enough to host the event.

This was not because my brother went on some recent rant using terms that specific groups of people now consider derogatory or “hateful,” or resulting from some recent incident with someone or group who are of a particular sexual orientation, in which a conflict took place or was initiated by Kevin specifically because of sexual orientation. No, this was because of jokes he told at least ten years ago, at the start of his major career.

According to Hart, back in about 2008 or 2009, during one of his stand up routines, Kevin joked about how he does not want his son to be “gay” and about how if he found his son playing with his daughter’s toys, hew would tell him that doing such as a boy is wrong and Kevin in his routine may have used the term “faggot.” However, in the years as Kevin was climbing the ladder of success, he was confronted about those jokes from back then, and at various points addressed the issue and apologized for offending anyone who would be, by his words.
After all of the promotions of Kevin Hart hosting the Oscars, the producers of the academy resurrected what to Kevin was a “dead Issue” and gave him an ultimatum. Either he will publicly apologize for jokes he made ten years ago, about his own family and household, or they would find someone else to host the ceremony.

Kevin now says that he was “a different person” at that time, and that he today does not ascribe to the ideas from which those jokes derived back then; but says that since he has already addressed the issue on multiple occasions, he will not give further life to what he sees as a solved and settled matter; and thereafter declined to apologize again and passed on hosting the event.

Not long after making that announcement on his social media feeds, Kevin again took to social media and again made reference to the age of the matter, highlighting that it was not recent, and indeed apologized again. This time specifically to the LGBT community. So, why then not just apologize from the start and take the hosting job, rather than refuse to do so initially, lose the job and miss out on that money, then still apologize anyway?

It should not be difficult to understand the forces at play against Kevin in this matter. Kevin Hart, and understandably so, is reacting with the conscious realization that people in positions that directly control his career, and therefore his wealth and thus the current lifestyle he enjoys, are among those that ascribe to the lifestyle for which they would find his decade old jokes offensive. Many of them are in fact entertainment executives with the power to control whether or not Kevin gets work.

So to see my brother Kevin initially defy them and accept losing the hosting job, then turn around and do that very thing which would have allowed him to keep the work was a red flag to me. I saw that with the mounting publicity about the matter, the pressure was put on Kevin, to where it became about more than just the academy awards. For those of us who understand the background workings of the entertainment industry, to see our brother stand on his dignity first, then bow and cave to their assertion and demands, even after taking the “punishment” makes it very clear that an example is being made of our brother.

For him to do this, pointlessly losing a significant payday, and the achievement of a long-held dream of his, makes clear that those behind the scenes made it clear to Kevin that he will not bite the hand that feeds him; and that he will in fact publicly apologize. If Kevin Hart did not return to social media and apologize, this time specifically to their organized body and lobby by name, then it is without a doubt that we would have began to see less and less of Kevin Hart in major projects.

I can specifically recall one comedy legend, the late Richard Prior, making jokes about himself having a sexual encounter with a homosexual. Now whether it really happened or not I don’t know, nor do I find it relevant here. But, I do recall him specifically using the very same terms “gay” and “faggot” that Kevin Hart used in his routine. Even more recently, as part of the classic Original Kings Of Comedy tour, the late and great Bernie Mac did a whole segment of his routine in which his sister’s kids snuck downstairs at night for “Milk and Cookies” in which the emphasis was on his gay nephew and his Faggoty demeanor.

Comedy has historically been a platform upon which politically and socially sensitive issues could be addressed in satirical or humorous form. I don’t recall when this has not been acceptable since the topics are delivered in a way that they are laced with humor, and fall upon a cushion of laughter and applause. So when did we get to the point where a comedian is not free to do a routine and make jokes about himself and the goings on in his own household?

I don’t recall any, albeit wide spread outrage or even simple backlash from the mainstream when a comedian and former actor on the hit sitcom Seinfeld was recorded in his stand up routine calling black people “niggers” as they walked out of his show in protest of his racially offensive and insensitive content. But Kevin Hart is not allowed to not want his son to be gay, and has to apologize for saying such?

From Eddie Murphy, Wesley Snipes, and Jamie Fox, to Martin Lawrence, Ving Rhames, the Wayans Brothers, and Tyler Perry. As spoke upon by many great black entertainers like Dave Chapelle, Kat Williams, Eddie Griffin, and an Icon of the Legendary rap group Public Enemy, Professor Griff, there is a long standing agenda to destroy the historical image and dignity of the black male.

One major method of this attack is to assassinate the character of the black male by directly attacking his manhood. These black greats have spoke intensively about the entertainment industry’s obsession with putting black men in dresses; and how in a lot of cases, refusing to “play ball” or “pay your dues” will significantly if not totally stifle a person’s hopes for a career in entertainment… and so we see this phenomenon.

While many may deny that there exists a dedicated conspiracy against black manhood, I can specifically recall where in the early years of his success, Kevin Hart did an interview at which the topic of black men in dresses was raised. While this was not an inquiry of the sexual orientation or challenge of any suspected homosexuality on the part of our brother, Jamaal Finkley of Black Tree TV, interviewing our brother about his role in the movie Five-Year Engagement, specifically asked if Kevin would ever wear a dress. Kevin Hart responded verbatim: “Definitely haven’t ran into putting on a dress. I mean you know, you, you have to have boundaries. You have to have limits that you refuse to cross. For me, I know what they are (his boundaries). They’ve yet to be challenged so, I don’t have to speak on that.” 

Kevin then followed that statement with disclosure of how that very day he was asked to dribble a basketball on a talk show and how he outright refused, because he would “look stupid.” Our brother finalized that question with saying that he is a brand and that he has to protect his brand and that he cannot do things that would diminish his brand.

When I heard him say this, I was confused as to what Kevin meant by “protecting” his brand, as his statement was very unclear. One would think that there is no “brand” more valuable or important to a person than their own self worth and dignity; that is, the principles and values upon which they stand and conduct their lives. It is clear that the industry “powers that be” were watching (and apparently listening to) Kevin in his early rising years because not very long after Kevin’s “boundaries” statements, those boundaries were in fact challenged; and Kevin did indeed capitulate. It would appear to be some form of retaliation for what amounted to Kevin’s defiance of the industry “powers” because Kevin Hart would, after his comments on the Black Tree TV interview, appear on Saturday Night Live (SNL) in a wig and wearing a dress. It seems then that Kevin’s remarks were seen by the industry controllers as a direct challenge to their power. 

To then contradict himself so quickly and on such huge platform as SNL, it was clear that this was a chastisement to Kevin that communicated this point: “Don’t you ever go on TV and say what you’re not going to do. You’ll do whatever we tell you to do!” and the same was to serve as a message to others of that time and a warning to those to come later (doesn’t that have a Qur’anic and Biblical familiarity?).

Not long after, he would in response to backlash because of how widely viewed the (2012) Jamaal Finkley interview was, post to twitter (April 2013) that he wore the dress because he thought the skit was funny, and that he is grown and his own boss. Kevin then returned to Black Tree TV and this time in the 2013 interview with Jamal Finkley completely reversed his previous position and justified it as putting being funny over his own personal beliefs, emphasizing that no one “made” him wear the dress and that people are not made to wear dresses, but rather that it is a matter of choice for each person individually.

But given the latest controversy over Kevin’s position regarding the gay issue, and how he was (this time) openly given an ultimatum, it is clear that Kevin’s “brand” does not align with his personal morals and dignity, and therefore that “protecting” his brand did not mean preserving its moral integrity in harmony with his personal principles as his 2012 answer to Jamaal Finkley implied.

I would also argue that if refusing to wear a dress, especially in lieu of having made statements as Kevin previously did, could ultimately result in being blackballed from the closed private entertainment industry, then how are people not forced to do so? I mean, if your choices are to wear a dress, get that hundred-thousand dollar check, and thereafter go on to prosper in the business, or defy them and return to the ghetto from which you came, and a normal nine to five job selling sneakers to survive like everyone else, is that a choice at all?

Kevin Hart would go on in his career to play several more roles that we understand to be detrimental to the image of the black male and indignant to us as a collective people; while very profitable for him as a business man. And to see Kevin on screen kissing another man, Dewayne “the Rock” Johnson, and being held and carried like an infant child after speaking on how much he does not want his son to be gay (and who’s more influential on a boy than his father?), shows us that what our brother Kevin spoke about “protecting” his brand actually meant preserving it; it’s marketability to be exact.

So how would the peoples of the world look upon what they know historically to be the original and greatest people on the earth, in captivity within another nation, and not only not making any collective attempt to free themselves, but also always being paraded before the world through the medium of entertainment media as ignorant criminals and as we see in hip-hop today, feminized, literally dressing up like little girls?

It was Eddie Griffin who said, speaking in the context of the Dr. Bill Cosby tragedy, that no black men leaves this (the entertainment) industry unscathed; that no one (is allowed to) leaves this industry with a clean slate. And it was Professor Griff that remarked that the entertainment industry is built upon the pillars of white supremacy; that you have to pay (tribute) to play, and that black people and black men in particular, cannot and will not progress in the industry without compromising themselves, and or doing things in a manner that promotes and fortifies white supremacy as a social and economic platform.

I have no doubt that if Kevin Hart’s finances and career was not dependent upon an industry based on and operating within the predicate of white supremacy, he would have when this present issue of the Oscars surfaced, remained on the initial position that he instinctively took, one that he would not return to the issue again, because he already addressed it. I would go even further and say that Kevin Hart would have never apologized the first time for joking about not wanting his son to be gay, if it was not tantamount to career and thus, on the level that he has achieved, financial suicide. So he, like so many other black men, compromise their personal beliefs and values, in order to have fortune and fame. But does this really have to be the case?

Black people today, even the relatively small number of us in comparison to our overall population in America, has acquired more than enough education and wealth to accept and follow the plan and instruction given to us by the Hon. Elijah Muhammad. We have the tools and means needed to “Do for self” and the qualified professionals in all spheres of civilization to do so.

Because we are in a form of economic servitude and subjugation to mainstream America, and fear separating from our historical oppressors, we see even some of the most prominent of our people jailed and humiliated as in the cases of Bill Cosby and Kevin Hart, for financial “transgressions” like trying to own and control a mainstream media network in direct challenge and defiance of the “Old Guard” of white financial dominance; and for as small as openly speaking against a lifestyle that may be common among the executives in the entertainment industry, in the context of his own household.

We fail to understand and grasp the importance of the concept of laying a collective claim to that which we create, so because we as a people have no ownership of or control over industries that we uniquely invented, like hip-hop music, it's culture, and the industries related thereto and derived therefrom, we are stifled and relegated in our creative expression to only that which is acceptable and seen as non-threatening to the construct of economic white supremacy.

Try to imagine the jewels the world would have received from creative geniuses such as the late Legendary Rapper Tupac Shukar, had there been no consequences for his expressing how he really saw and experienced the world. But more importantly, why does this condition still exist, when we have several billionaires, and hundreds of extremely talented millionaire entertainers and athletes who have mastered these industries, as well as thousands of educated and skilled professionals and laborers with which we could literally build our own industries from the ground up? Has a fear of independence and open competition with white America, the haunting memories of Tulsa, Oklahoma's Black Wall Street, been scarred into our collective racial memory?

It matters not how glamorized and glorified your dependence may be, it doesn’t matter how fancy and shiny your monetary “chains” may look, economic dependence is servitude; and servitude is slavery! As long as we as a people depend on others for our sustenance and wealth rather than building industries for ourselves, we will never be free. Our Brother Kevin Hart says he is “his own boss” yet this “Boss” is not free to work and take certain jobs, if he does not appease the “powers that be” of his industry. This is the consequence when you are financed by your enemy.