Black People In Amerikkka are unable to comprehend any idea of them existing outside of the physical and philosophical United States of America. No matter how many white people have black babies, or how many get along with blacks, America's GOVERNMENT and therefore society, is and always will be the fundamental core and framework of organized institutional and incorporated White Supremacy!
So the official, though unspoken, position and ultimatum to black people is: Submit to and accept white dominion, subjugation, and oppression, and enjoy being allowed to participate in an unfair, unbalanced, racially hostile, violent economy and society in which your individual and collective intellectual, financial, and physical progress will be checked and kept "at bay" (meaning restrained to a permanence below the white "mainstream" society).
Which is to say, "behave or Die" as was told to a sitting black elected official (Cynthia McKinney) before; and which means "we will allow you all to make money, become wealthy, and even marry and sleep with our people. But! you will not and better not, in any fashion, challenge, question, or even try to change the narrative (or control the flow and type of information) we have determined for your people or we will completely undo anything and everything you think you have or built (as we've shown you with [Dr.] Bill Cosby!).
And you will accept our casual killing of some of your males here and there throughout this land we stole from you (and lied to you making you think we brought you here from somewhere else, so you'll falsely feel foreign to this land and won't fight us over what is rightfully yours), as a constant reminder that we, because of our underlying racial unity ("E Pluribus Unum" [of many {we act as} one]) against your people (and the whole world for that matter) are for all intents and purposes your Gods!"
And so for this reason, black people will and do now, accept and even ignorantly promote the means and mechanism by which we continue to be dominated and controlled; our division! We are conquered because we are divided! and the beginning of our disunity is in the dividing (destruction) of the black family! And the destruction of the black family started with and remains in, the brainwashing of the black woman!
So, for all of you black women who think you are "independent" and that your success comes solely from your own efforts, look back at the history of our enslavement and see how your preferable treatment (by the slave master, and thus the collective white consciousness today) was a means of controlling the whole plantations, and the black males in particular.
And for all of you black men, if you think that conforming your life into what they allow you to do and be, such as entertainers and athletes, all of you "I'm not black, I'm O.J."s and "I'm not black, I'm ASAP Rocky"s, you my brothers are fatally mistaken; and I emphasize Fatally. All of you brothers out there who consciously or subconsciously think that being homosexual or any of those persuasions will make what you consciously or subconsciously recognize and feel as a hostile society, not be mean to you, or not view you as an enemy, again you are fatally mistaken!
My point then, is that this white supremacist world is dying and quickly! and after so many generations of ours trying and failing at securing our freedom through economic enterprise, why do you still believe in and follow this white man's way? Why do you still hope and frivolously believe in this white man's society, and ignorantly follow behind our modern day "Dr.Martin Luther Kings?"
Those very gifted, well-meaning, intellectuals of our people, who knows history, but obviously fail to understand how our people got to where we are today.
Those very gifted, well-meaning, intellectuals of our people, who knows history, but obviously fail to understand how our people got to where we are today.
Black people, why do you continue to beat a dead horse? Why do you still beg this white man for money (reparations [a form of apology]) for something he is still doing to you today? Why are you being so stupid, in thinking this white man will ever give you anything, when he has told you you are free to go (research "2019 year of Return," a deal that President Trump made with the Government of Ghana)!?
Why do you think your freedom will come from building businesses when the last time we built businesses and entire communities, the same white man who told you to pick yourself up by your own bootstraps then left you alone to do so, came back and killed your communities and burned your whole towns to the ground (as most famously known in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Rosewood, Florida, what's now called "Central Park" in New York, and many other states) after and because you succeeded in what he told you to do in the first place!?
Why do you continue in blind faith that it is something you have to or have to not do, which will make this white man be fair and kind to you, while he kills you in your face every day? Why is it that you think Eric Gardener, Sean Bell, Sandra Bland, Karen Gaines, Oscar Grant, and so many others have and continue to be murdered every day in this white supremacist battlefield on which we are losing, died because of what Police Officers did to them?
They DID NOT die because of what Police did to them, they died because of what they failed to do themselves! The same thing you refuse to do today! Why is it that you will not either unify and fight this man for your very survival, or at least flee from him entirely? As we see today, and as history has shown us, as other peoples have done when being subjected to far less than you black people have been enduring for a far greater time?
Why is it so hard for you, black people, to imagine an existence on this earth, without being attached to or dependent on this white supremacist society and economy that shows you every day that they hate you!?