Global and Personal Insights ... from a unique perspective
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
I think Russia is doing exactly as it should do, given its current circumstances. It is necessary to test the relationships of nations at which you are a mutual signatory to treaties, especially when those same nations are naming you as their "greatest threat" and thereafter are, with their partner nations, (NATO) surrounding you and preparing for war against you, i.e., strategically moving combat arms and troops, hold War Games, and even as in the case of Turkey, outright attacking and killing your military personnel. This is a common sense approach to determine the true intentions and authenticity of that nation's actions in contrast to its public and private speech.
Further, while this (open skies) treaty is mutually signed agreement between the signatory parties, it is without a doubt that nations like the Unites States, who are in my opinion the most physically invasive and privacy intrusive country in the world, are now and have long been regularly flying spy planes over many of other nations gathering intelligence on them. It was less than a month ago, that the United States began flying spy and or bomber planes over North Korea as a third party intervening in what succinctly is an approximately 66 year old civil war.
Now if the United States can go about its spying on people all over the world, and it is a voluntary signatory to a "Open Skies" treaty, then the United States should honor that treaty and allow the overflight, if not for any over reason than to at least be a good faith gesture towards getting America back on the higher moral ground in the international venue; which Russia ,who's now being viewed as the "Global Good-guy" in a sense, currently dominates. But if America goes the route of Turkey, and denies the flyover, then on what basis can the United States justify its flyovers of other nations, its "interventionist" behavior all over the world, and even it covert subversion of other nation's legitimate governments via the C.I.A's well-known invasions of sovereign states to where they either arm or create and arm that country's dissidents and foster "uprisings" to destabilize that nation and create civil wars; as demonstrated by the current conditions in Afghanistan, Iraq, Lybia, the Sudan, Palestine and Syria.
If the United states does not allow Russia to preform the flyover, then Russia will yet again have the moral high ground that would allow them to justify the actions they are taking in lieu of the military hostilities that are gathering around it's borders; and if ( I believe "when") these major powers go into an open conflict, I believe the world outside of the western nations will completely sympathize with the Russian Federation as it will have demonstrated a real and tactful genuine opposition to terrorism and therefore if not a true world of peace, then at least a world that is mutually respectful of the sovereignty of its neighbors; because a world where one nation is allowed to feel superior to all others, is an unstable world at which because of that nation's arrogance, we all who inhabit the earth are in danger of at the least enslavement according to the whims of that nation (as we see now under international corporate "business"), and at most absolute destruction as a result of total war that inevitably will engulf the planet because of that country's inability to do with whomever as it pleases.
I thank Gary Franchi, and the Next News Network, for its constant conveying of these ever important, though seemingly irrelevant events and changes on the global scale. Subscribe to my blog for free via email, at the enrollment box at the right of this writing, and subscribe on Youtube to the Next News Network; they will indeed set a brush fire in your mind!
Monday, February 15, 2016
Here's How Black People Worship Whites: Economic and thus social dependence on white America. -Dr. Boyce Watkins and Madam Prezident
This is very real talk! We look at those of us who appear to be successful and are not free of the disillusions of the idea that we really have a chance at fair and equal wealth in this society ... when if we took the time to understand, we would clearly realize and recognize that our collective 'allowed' financial success(es) are entirely based upon the condition that we submit to the systemic controls of their racially collectively conscious establishments and institutions!
This fact is the reason why Black entertainers are relatively easily enriched while those of us who are trying to go down a path to success that has not been laid out and or approved for us by 'them' struggle and are met with very subtle, discrete, and indirect, but none the less stiff resistance; as I have and continue to experience myself to this day.
So what the sister and Dr. Watkins are discussing here, is how we have been trained to worship, whether knowingly or unconsciously, an entire system that was created and remains for us, a proxy or middle man / entity for and as the persona of the collective consciousness and idea of white supremacy ... because the system was made and operates for their benefit first. And as a means of pacifying (and thus controlling) us!
I thank Dr. Boyce Watkins and the sister for their insights, follow her on facebook, instagram, and twitter, at +MadamPrezident, that's madam prezident, with a 'Z', and of course subscribe to and follow Dr, Boyce Watkins on youtube, facebook, twitter, etc., as well.
Thursday, February 4, 2016
AMERICAN TERRORISM: Black Kids Forced To Confess To Crimes They Did Not Commit. Chicago's false-confession-to-prison pseudo slavery pipeline resurfaces again; and officials hold to baseless denials of innocence, despite irrefutable evidence.
This is the biggest and most long-drawn act of terrorism committed against the so-called black people in the United States of America; .i.e., the intentional abuse of the judiciary and the power of police to arrest and detain known innocent people at the threat of their lives, in an act of systemic capture and therefore re-enslavement of them as a means of undermining the official position of the 13th Amendment to the founding and principle embodied document of this nation, the United States Constitution (the alleged freeing of blacks from chattle bondage [slavery]).
For the police, it looks bad on their individual professional reputations and competence, and can therefore have adverse affects on their immediate and long-term careers when they "sit on" or appear to be stuck when working a single case. And when such case is of high publicity such as a murder, rape or kidnapping, the pressure to bring closure to the family, in the form of being able to go to them and say "we have made an arrest," as well as the idea of receiving praise and notariety for "solving a case" is more than enough motivation for an officer and or a prosecutor to go to their default disposition of making that young black male or female guilty of the accusation rather than proving they actually did it.
If one would recall the system of Jim Crow Law and Jurisprudence, and remember that its purpose was in fact to use the criminal laws and penal code as the justification and legal platform to do to black people what the post Civil-War dictates of reconstruction at first prohibited; and chronologically account for even only the major or well-known lynchings and murders of black people throughout America, it then becomes obvious that what is here presented as a pandemic in Chicago, is actually the perpetuated nation-wide, interconnected, consciously collective mechanism that is weaponized against black people ... as a de facto way to remove us from this society first, and ultimately this planet.
These police and prosecutors, judges, and even most of the defense attorneys, know very well the truth of the case and the innocence of the accused from the very start. But its never about justice or about finding the truth as they all publicly claim, it is always about "keeping up the status quo" as the saying goes, which is to say, maintaining the illusion of authority and legitimacy of the courts and the judicial process; in fact, in most states there exists on their law books a cause for legal remedy from a procedural or technical injury to a defendant, that states in effect "...where the results are contrary to the facts presented or is harmful to the public image and reputation of the courts and judicial process..." which encompasses the entire judiciary, the judge and all of it's officers both attorney and police.
So when I see and hear this criminally outlandish double speak about how even though the DNA recovered from the body of a victim identifies a known serial rapist and killer, and there is no DNA that connects any of the accused to the scene or crime at all, none of these facts matter in lieu of these people having signed confessions, that tells me that such cases are clear and blatant malicious prosecutions that if not motivated solely by their racial hatred of the accused, or if not specifically personal towards that defendant, then in the least it is the underlying agenda of maintaining white supremacy, where the accused is merely a collateral scapegoat-as we see in the arrogance of the prosecutor with regard to these depicted cases.
I know the matters of this writing to be facts, as I have personally lived these experiences myself, in multiple cities and states, none of which were Chicago; and furthermore, I am still fighting to undo a lot of these which were done to me; and am still deflecting new attempts to harm me and my family today. How can a prosecutor say DNA does not matter, as it exonerates a falsely accused defendant and therefore victim, when if the same DNA did stand as proof of their guilt, that same prosecutor would present and stand on that evidence like it was divine holy scripture?
The answer? The same way a man can be attacked and beaten by hired-out drug addicts in broad daylight then be thrown in jail for being assaulted, and charged with attacking his assailants; and for the cases to be dropped against the real attackers by the courts and prosecutors! The same way a young man and his woman can be kidnapped by state troopers, with their five, three, and one year old daughters left in the home alone to fend for themselves; i.e., for dead, then when that young couple in their blackness have the "audacity" to complain about their rights being violated and their children being criminally endangered, for that law enforcement and judicial community to unite and intentionally conspire with a known criminal in the orchestration and execution of a falsified case against that couple, as a measure of retaliation for their complaining and a means of removing them from residing in that county!
The same way judges, police, and prosecutors can allow a criminal to victimize that young family and refuse their cries for help and their constitutional right to protection from the the state, which is encompassed under the guarantee of "Due Process" and "Equal Protection under Law" (police, courts), thereby forcing them to defend their selves, their children, and their home; and when they do so, charging and imprisoning that young couple under accusations that have no legal basis, no factual basis, and which was false on its face!
Institutional white supremacy and systemic racism is the primary tool of oppression and persecution of black and brown people in America, yet America labels everyone else, especially those who are brave enough to openly defy her, as Terrorists while she exalts in her centuries old and ongoing terrorizing of blacks, as if the "sophisticated" nature of how they do it somehow makes it acceptable ... well, come! learn then, and arm yourself with these indisputable truths, and bear witness to what will stand now and forever ... "As Testament To Justified Rage: A bona fide case example of the Fear, Hatred, and Systemic Oppression of a Strong Black Male" ... the forth-coming book from the living witness/victim. - Aayyatta R'von Mustafa
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