Monday, February 15, 2016

Here's How Black People Worship Whites: Economic and thus social dependence on white America. -Dr. Boyce Watkins and Madam Prezident

This is very real talk! We look at those of us who appear to be successful and are not free of the disillusions of the idea that we really have a chance at fair and equal wealth in this society ... when if we took the time to understand, we would clearly realize and recognize that our collective 'allowed' financial success(es) are entirely based upon the condition that we submit to the systemic controls of their racially collectively conscious establishments and institutions!

This fact is the reason why Black entertainers are relatively easily enriched while those of us who are trying to go down a path to success that has not been laid out and or approved for us by 'them' struggle and are met with very subtle, discrete, and indirect, but none the less stiff resistance; as I have and continue to experience myself to this day.

So what the sister and Dr. Watkins are discussing here, is how we have been trained to worship, whether knowingly or unconsciously, an entire system that was created and remains for us, a proxy or middle man / entity for and as the persona of the collective consciousness and idea of white supremacy ... because the system was made and operates for their benefit first. And as a means of pacifying (and thus controlling) us!

I thank Dr. Boyce Watkins and the sister for their insights, follow her on facebook, instagram, and twitter, at +MadamPrezident, that's madam prezident, with a 'Z', and of course subscribe to and follow Dr, Boyce Watkins on youtube, facebook, twitter, etc., as well.

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