Sunday, April 8, 2018


Black people are being wholesale slaughtered every day on the streets of America. It has become so common to see grieving families crying out for justice; demanding investigations into what we have engraved into our collective racial memory and therefore know as the continuing extermination of us as a people from this nation, and ultimately this earth.  

It pains me every time I see our heartbroken families protesting and demanding that our murders be arrested and jailed for what they as an entire system and institution are all actively working towards. It bears testament to our remaining ignorance about our enemy and our conditions in this land, when we beg and expect the courts throughout America to punish anyone who kills us.

A lot of us who have a more than average awareness about what America as a government's position regarding us is, refer commonly to the fact that the legal standard set in the Case of Dredd Vs. Scott (wherein the Supreme Court decided that black people have no rights that a white man is bound to respect) has never been overruled nor overturned. While this is true, the legacy of the courts legalizing our wholesale slaughter has its roots in and goes back much farther than that.

Consider that when the first of the European invaders landed on our lands (yes, I say Our lands, with a truthful knowledge that most so-called African Americans were not brought here as slaves but are in fact descended from the original native peoples of this continent [yes, so called black people are actually what is now referred to as "Indians"]) they did so under what they considered as "religious right," that is, the idea that non-whites are subhuman peoples and thus have no right to any lands that white people "found" and claimed for their respective Monarch.

Being as that is, that was at a time where the courts were not separated from the official positions of the government; wherein they acted nearly as one in the same. So it was the courts of the Europeans, even as the established thirteen American colonies, which gave their colonists and colonies their legal precedent to further exterminate us original / natives peoples from this continent. 

My point then is that if they had their courts on their side and that if it was their legal institutions which first gave them what they consider their license / right to kill our people so many centuries ago, and we clearly see and can follow a chronology through time showing that they have not stopped, what does it say then? What kind of condition are we as a people in, in that we ever started and now today continue to ask and even go as far as demand that these very same courts to condemn, stop, and even punish their own people who kill us in cold blood?

If they have never stopped killing us, they never will, unless we come together and actually make them stop. No oppressor in history has even been stopped with anything less than an equal reply! So why then, do we expect otherwise? 

Sunday, March 4, 2018

YOUR HOUSE IS KILLING YOU!: Your Utility Company and the War It's Waging for the Right To Kill You

So... I was feeling weirdly sick Saturday, crazy headaches, stomach doing the Dougie, and was hungry but had no appetite!

On top of that I was stressing over my utility company and how they are robbing me ... Charging me because of the size of my house (6200 sq. Ft.) rather than the amount of power we use (it's only three of us in the whole house), which can only explain why I have a $617.00 electric bill for one month!

My suspicion about this new "smart" meter they recently installed on my house revealed to me much more than the fact that it was grossly exaggerating our power usage, but that it is in fact constantly giving off radiation, and that this could be what is giving me and my kids these strange, seemingly random, sicknesses and feelings of biological alterations. I mean, there's been times where I felt like I was having irregular heartbeat, "brain" attacks and all!

So I looked into this "smart meter" issue and here's one of the most intensive reports on the issue that I have found. You gotta watch this all the way through! It's an eye opener for real!

Smart Meters and The Electric Grid is killing you and your children!

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Why You Are "Weak" If You Again Look For Love!

A woman posted on her Instagram page that one of the weakest things she ever heard was where her father told her that a person is weak if after a failed relationship, they continue their search for love. As a bachelor with a failed relationship under my belt, this hit home for me. Here's what the woman says her father told her... and my subsequent reply. I felt it necessary to respond with tone and language of like kind, to emphasise my point.

Well sis, @extensively, if what your daddy said is right, then I take it your mother was his first and only relationship then right? Cause he sure brought yo ass into this world! and if yo daddy is right, then I guess everyone without kids, who's first relationship doesn't work can just forget forever about having kids of their own, and can forget forever about building and sharing a beautiful life, love, family, and legacy with someone then right?

If yo daddy's dumb ass is right, then God is wrong wherein He said He created males and females (of every species of living thing) on this earth in pairs (since a person is "weak" for not wanting to spend the rest of their life alone), and he must have been lying then when he said "be fruitful, multiply, and thereby spread righteousness on the earth" then right? And if yo daddy is right, then I guess it makes a person "weak" if they accept and embrace the original nature in which they were created then right?

I guess yo daddy believes a tree is weak for growing leaves in the spring, and losing them in fall right? That grass is weak for growing green? That water is weak for being wet right? ... Well sis, only a WEAK ass person would allow another people who have conquered, brainwashed, and continue to opress his people, to by way of TV, Music, Fashion, and Entertainement, set and  determine for him a set of values and customs that completely contradict everything about that person and his original, most beautiful way of life!

Only a WEAK person would ignorantly adopt the divide and conquer mentality that "only weak people can't be alone!" While our enemy is building wealthy, strong, united families, and constantly passing laws and policies in the society to ensure that we never rise and are killed off from this planet, while when our unity, which begins with the harmony and healing of the black man and woman (through LOVE & MARRIAGE), is literally a matter life and death for our Race...... ONLY A PERSON JUST LIKE YOUR WEAK ASS DADDY!!!! ✊✔ #RealestShit? #realestBULL!