Sunday, March 4, 2018

YOUR HOUSE IS KILLING YOU!: Your Utility Company and the War It's Waging for the Right To Kill You

So... I was feeling weirdly sick Saturday, crazy headaches, stomach doing the Dougie, and was hungry but had no appetite!

On top of that I was stressing over my utility company and how they are robbing me ... Charging me because of the size of my house (6200 sq. Ft.) rather than the amount of power we use (it's only three of us in the whole house), which can only explain why I have a $617.00 electric bill for one month!

My suspicion about this new "smart" meter they recently installed on my house revealed to me much more than the fact that it was grossly exaggerating our power usage, but that it is in fact constantly giving off radiation, and that this could be what is giving me and my kids these strange, seemingly random, sicknesses and feelings of biological alterations. I mean, there's been times where I felt like I was having irregular heartbeat, "brain" attacks and all!

So I looked into this "smart meter" issue and here's one of the most intensive reports on the issue that I have found. You gotta watch this all the way through! It's an eye opener for real!

Smart Meters and The Electric Grid is killing you and your children!

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