Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Devil Was Racist - #RACISM #MUSLIM #UMMAH

This is a truth that many Arabs know, but most ignore and or deny, because of their known  and knowningly befriending and cohabitation with Jinns (Devils, and not some invisible "spirits" but people!). Racism however, is not where any one person believes and or claims some benefit and or advantage based on the color of their skin and or their ancestry. It is infact the hatred and oppression of the black Race  ... by virtue of their being black, and by non-black persons! This position stands on the fact that no one has been subjected to the inhumanity and centuries of constant sufferring like the so-calledblack people ... all over the world!!!  Remember in (Holy Qur'an chapter) Surah Baqq'ra that Allah said that He bestowed his favor upon the children of Isreal (meaning the original people of the earth!) and that He ..."Chose [them] above ALL OTHERS..." !!!

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