Wednesday, December 13, 2017

How You May Be a Bad Parent, Do Not Know It

What is the difference between what is good for a child and what is right? This is a fundamental core principle and element of parenting that the overwhelming majority of us fail to understand; and because of this, we are a lot of times unknowingly and unwittingly, by definition bad parents.

The biggest struggle that comes with parenting especially in this 21st century is the aspect of single parenting. And in the cases where both parents are still in the child's life, while not together, the single most parenting issue is the issue of parenting collaboration or as we call it, co-parenting today. This is an ever-increasing and ever essential detriment or benefit to the ultimate and overall well-being and upbringing of the child.

But this is unfortunately to significantly dependent upon the mental state ability of comprehension desire and motivation and level of understanding off both parents equally regarding the child and the direction the child must take what should take and their life and with their life.

There once was a time where allow your child to imitate or emulate adulthood in their youth was seen as cute especially with the case of female children or manly in the case of male children or in the least this was viewed as entertaining or funny by clothes members of the family or friends in the neighborhood.

This has opened the door to a lot of issues and problems that we face and that our children suffer from as a result. Being a native of Philadelphia I have seen on many occasions and have even developed in the ability to watch what I have learned over the years to be a pattern of children starting off young progress into their teens and then hyper progressing or hyperextending and therefore over-reaching themselves into adulthood.

I see in Philadelphia in particular and while I know it's not unique to the city alone, but the customary culture in the city is that once a child becomes 18 years old they are thus "grown" and therefore pushed out of the home away from the family mentally and emotionally for the most part, detached and disconnected and given the idea that they are therefore adults and should go into the world, to deal with its coldness and brutality, on their own. Nothing could be far from correct or worser to the detriment of that child.

What I see evening as close as my own family is that when you have two parents and one parent is of the ideal as previously mentioned that a child emulating adulthood or pushed into adulthood when not properly mentally or socially prepared for such is cute, what that does its instill a false sense of confidence in that child.

We as a people bicker back and forth in courts over parenting rights and custody, but never think of what's best for the child when evaluating ourselves. "What can or will I bring that's beneficial to my child?" "What kind of influence and example will I set?" Or "What set or system of values will I instill in them?" are some of the main thoughts we should have as parents.

In a two-parent situation or co-parenting situation if both parents are not consciously aware of these core values and issues then the double parenting or co-parenting method and purpose becomes defunct and worse yet detrimental to that child. Because children are naturally followers of the examples and influences of the parents, if you are a parent who just goes about your everyday life and thinks that a child is only a benefit and blessing, then you are a harm to that child.

"all I got to do is feed you, clothe you , put a roof over your head and feed you" and the belief that "oh youb18 now, you grown" and the mindset that a child has to go through life and makes the samw mistakes you did, in order to learn, is without question the worst ideology to obtain or adopt when parenting in the 21st century and a world full distraction and intentional manipulation diversion. It is nothing more than a cop out for being lazy, unwilling, or unable to teach that child so that they do not make the same mistakes as you did. Wasn't this the whole point of parenting anyway?

But when faced with two contradicting sets of views and values if you are parent and you know you come from multi-generational degeneracy and ignorance or you simply lack the ability or knowledge or sad to say, willingness to parent in a manner that is to, not your best comfort but, is in the end to what's best for the child then it is your obligation, responsibility and duty as a truly loving parent to if not completely remove yourself, then to take a back seat to the parent who's core values and system of beliefs, standards and sets of principles are what's right for the child and not what's "good".

As a single parent myself, I will not, nor should any parent, debate or dispute any matters concerning the critical and vitality of that child's mind, emotions, sense of self-worth, and knowledge of position in the society, with any co-parent who lacks those same aspects with regard to their self as an adult. If you as an adult still have not figured your own life out yet, if you as an adult still have not found your own path, or found yourself in life, then despite the fact that you have children, you are in no position whatsoever to try to lead teach and guide another life in preparation of their future; and expect that it will have a beneficial result.

When you are blinded by your own emotional based desires then your influence upon that child as a parent is harmful to them so you must step back if you really love that child. When a child has only one parent who is rightly guided or in more communal terms will we say has their "head on straight", then the debate and question of parental rights is dramatically reduced. I don't care how much you claim or even may genuinely love your child, if they're exposed to you and your influences is harmful to them then in the least it must be governed if not completely absolved; and trying to spite the other parent for issues between you and them does not harm that parent 90% of the time it only harms the child.

By the actions you would take against that parent and or your influences which would negatively affect the overall well-being of that child. Allowing a child to behave in a way that is detrimental to their future just because it feels good to you or makes you feel like you are winning is wrong, and when another parent opposes your position not because of the conflict between the two of you but because that parent can see the short and long-term detriment of the entire situation to that child oh, then that parent is not wrong and it's not being spiteful childish or Petty but is being responsible and is being loving and caring compassionate and most importantly understanding or comprehensive of the overall matter or let's say the bigger picture.

I digress from going into a social-scientific analysis of the topic at this time but suffice it to say that what is best for child, that is, what is right for a child should and must supersede any emotions between the parents or in the case of two parents with contrasting contradicting views. and when the one parent knows and fully acknowledges this, take a back seat and enjoy the exposure you get to the child and to watch the child be raised properly and become something good something that will make you proud in old age.

Do not interfere when a parent can clearly distinguish the difference between that which is "good" for the child and that which is right, because a parent with the natural inclination to defend that child will do so at anyones expense, including the other parent. And if you cannot do this, or will not do this, it does not make the parent who does crazy, evil, or wrong. It makes YOU ignorant, disrespectful, irresponsible, and ultimately a Bad "Parent;" and thus by virtue of your relation and therefore closeness to the child, one of if not the, greatest danger to that child's life and future. 

Monday, November 27, 2017

A Suicidal Constituency, Lamenting Over Hillary: How the Election of Donald Trump Literally Saved Your Life

I have personally witnessed so much contradiction and hypocrisy, blatant racism and injustice that I don't believe in the American political system at all... and with that I say, truth is truth no matter; being as that is... What many people whose comprehension doesn't go beyond your emotions do not realize is that we are all alive today, because Donald Trump won the Presidency!  

Hillary openly promised to attack countries who have Nukes (Iran), and any country she believed was attacking America in any form, including through cyber platforms (Russia) if she became president. It would have became a Nuclear world war because another nuke country, China, has a defense agreement with those two countries (meaning China has to fight against any and every country who attacks any member of that agreement.).

So when Hillary would have made the US military attack Iran, China would have had to fight the US in defense of Iran, and then Russia who is also in their defense agreement would have had to fight the US in defense of both China and Iran! But now Syria, having just been saved by and who will likely now get at some point, nukes from Russia and will likely also join their mutual defense agreement, would therefore have to fight the US in defense of Iran, China, and Russia.

Beyond that, Turkey and the Philippines appears to have switched alliances and now ally with Russia; not to mention that North Korea is still technically at war with America themselves; inasmuch as the Korean War was never formally ended, but rather a cease fire armistice was signed by the two opposing parties in 1953.

Now anytime the US fights, the UK (which includes Canada and Australia) will fight alongside America. Then you have all of the nations that make up NATO, (most of which also have Nukes) and Israel, and even the Saudi Kingdom whom will all side with America.

It is obvious then that the majority of the world would be pulled into a war heavily involving nukes that with the yields of those weapons today, would in fact be an extinction level conflict. We don't realize just how close we came to literally ending the world in this past election; but this scenario would have without any doubt played put if Hillary had won the Presidency.

Now for all of you emotional people who feel like “but Donald Trump is Racist!” Well, he may not be in love with blacks, but your blessed Hillary Clinton’s husband, William Jefferson, enacted their National Crime Bill which tore apart black families and is a major contributor to the mass-incarceration (jailing) of black men even still today. All of these second and third generation single mothers today is a direct result of the Clintons racist policing policies!

Hillary also openly idolized the person, persona, and worst of all the mission, of the founder of Planned Parenthood; Margaret Sanger, a staunch racist who publicly attended KKK rallies and who openly called black people “Human Weeds” and endeavored to achieve our extermination!

So, before y'all jump onto a political side, find the facts first and know that your vote is not just about you but about the whole world as well. There are literally millions of people that you’ve never met, in countries around the world, who have been spared from certain death, as a direct result of the American Presidential outcome. It sounds so strange to hear all of the lamenting over Trumps victory, from a suicidal constituency, over a genocidal Hillary.


Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Why not to argue with ignorant minds

Ignorant people are not much different than dead people, excepting they're still mobile. So to argue or debate with ignorance is like trying to reason with a tree and expect a logical response.

If you have no degree of consciousness at all, about the issues we face as a race of oppressed people, and as parents and youth, than you are in no position to despute with me about anything; especially when it's regarding the most dearest thing to me, my heart, and which is the basis of my life... my children!

No one walking this earth knows better what is best for my family than me! the Patriarch and head of my family; as the leader, teacher, protector, provider, and guide of and for them! So unless it is invited, don't try to tell me anything of what and how I lead my family!

Yall have gotten so used to conforming to whatever the white man determines our family priorities and values are, what is good and bad, and right and wrong for our people, that when one like me comes along who knows the truth and defies them, y'all oppose me as if im crazy... When my direction and positions is a restoration and healing of our people!

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Dear "Black" People, you are not Citizens!, Pastor tells truths of Hitler & the Swastika (Share this)!

Nazi Germany was, in truth, modern history's greatest manifestation of a People's will to live; and I mourn the great tragedy that became of her! We, aboriginal people of the mis-pronounced greater "Al-Morocan" ("Ah-merican" [American]) empire, need our own personification of an Adolf Hitler; as his is the greatest example of leadership and a sincere love and regard for one's own kind! We need to be risen up in the manner as was a down-trodden, beaten and broken, literally starved Germany in the early 20th Century! Last week i posted a quote asking who agreed with it, which was that "the most precious possession of any nation is its people," this is a quote of Der Furher, Adolf Hitler, and who in their right minds would disagree with this!? We, delusioned aboriginal "Al-Morocan" ("Ah-merican" [American]) natives (so-called blacks, yes, we and the so-called "Indians" are one and the same people!) will never get any respect or justice from white European society here, because we won't "come out of her [my people]" and get out of this slave mentality that we are citizens of the United States (Corporate Government), when if you really look at the legal definition of their term "American Citizen" you will see that we cannot nor ever will be citizens, and understanding this it is clear why their police can and do kill us every day on the streets! I could never be more sincere in my telling you that it means nothing if you have accomplished a comfortable life for yourself and your immediate family if still in the end, your entire race of people, including you and your immediate family, will all perish as a whole! The United States has run its course, as the political situation clearly indicates, and so is headed for destruction and ruin. So it's time now my people, to unify or die!

Tuesday, October 31, 2017


Cambridge, Md - "We can tweak the laws however we want" pierced me like a hot knife when I heard those words as I listened to the voice on the other end of the phone. You would think that this was some high-echelon law maker, a delegate or representative of some kind; but no, this was nothing more than a Municipal (Corporate) City code-enforcer. "Whoa, what do you mean?" was my first response, then came the fire in me and I snapped "No you can not!" 

Me and Todd Parks have an established respectful relationship. He does his code-enforcing in the City of Cambridge, and gives me information on properties that I may be interested in, and may help me in other minor ways  or at least tries to point me in the right direction, if he can't help. Make no mistake about it though, I have never been cooled by the idea of our harmonizing relationship. I know that at the end of the day, he is paid to perform a certain service, and will do so with out regard for friendship or familiarity, and that's what I expect.

Having concluded that he was in the least an honest person, what I did not expect was for him to make such a statement to me. While knowing from our previous conversations how I feel about corruption in any governing institution, for him to say such a thing to me revealed to me that he aligns with those that are a part of the problem.   

If and whenever any governing entity enacts or acts upon any policy that contradicts or is in direct violation of any of the founding principles of this country (the core laws known as the Constitution), the people, that is, the citizenry, as patriots, in their patriotic duty, and as an intelligent and informed populace should and must defy such policies and practices. This is what distinguishes a free nation from that of an enslaved one; the question of wherein lies the final and ultimate authority, which is supposed to be with us.

I say this because when on any level an agent of the government, or any subdivision of it, including employees of a department of a city / municipal government says or even thinks that the law is only whatever they determine it is, whenever they do and however they do at that particular time, it is without a doubt that they will behave in the same manner; and that is where the problems lie as it therefore affects you and me, the everyday person. You don't see or think so? 

This conversation between me and Todd Parks was because of my SUV that was parked on the paved lot of a tax-paying private property owner, one Mr. Monroe Smith or "Copper Head" as he is affectionately called. Mr. Smith tolerates, and I do emphasize the word Tolerate the public using and even parking on his lot. He especially allows the church goers on Sundays to use it. Beyond that, I had no room in my driveway for another vehicle and he allowed me to park on his lot.

This is my personal use SUV and for work i mostly used my pickup truck so it was in the driveway closer to the house; I therefore, rarely drove the SUV. So on the morning that I came out to use the SUV I found that an orange sticker (as pictured below) had been placed upon the windshield. This read that i had a certain amount of time to move or purchase registration plates from the DMV for the vehicle or it would be towed. This was signed a Hal Davis, the code-enforcement officer of Easton, Maryland. A completely separate town in another county! So that's what made me call Todd who was the same thing for our town.

The claimed grounds for the declaration of the sticker was that my Navigator did not have registration plates for any state, and that therefore, if i did not move it, they, city code enforcement department, would tow it, at my expense. My first reply about this to Todd was "okay fine, I will put it in the driveway behind my work truck," but he told me that I could not do that either; that they would still come and tow my vehicle; and that's when the activist in me awoke again. I told Todd that I was not accepting that and that if they indeed tried to do such, that i would introduce them to the Constitution and specifically, the 2nd Amendment!

Now I know what those of you who know something about the Second Amendment are thinking, "Aayyatta you cannot just go around threatening government officials" and that I was not doing. What you must understand is that regardless of what we have and continue to go through in America, especially those of us who descend from slaves, we are citizens, so although the paradigm has been inverted socially and civilly, we do not answer to government, they are supposed to answer to us.

That being said, what i said to him was not about the face value situation, but an underlying understanding on my part that what they were saying and threatening to do to me was in contradiction to the "highest laws of the land" (the Constitution, which supposedly cannot be superseded by any other laws of any type); and is therefore illegal. Where the Constitution restricts the government or any smaller portion of it from taking private property from citizens without due process and adequate compensation, as the fourth (4th) Amendment declares, I correctly saw this as an abuse of their power to make regulations (their power to make and enforce city / municipal ordinances, which are civil in nature) to justify what any minimally intelligent person would clearly see as a crime. 

As a citizen being subjected to a crime against myself, those under my care and protection, and or as is in this case, my property, I wanted them to understand that it was my every intention to act in the manner for which the 2nd amendment is intended; self defense and protection from crime in any and every form, and no matter by whom we are subjected to it. Succinctly, i saw this as a crime being committed against me, via my property, and i would treat them, anyone who tried to make good on the threats to steal my property, like such. 

What they were threatening to do was in fact a crime, and i wanted them to see this also, in the hope that they would stop the practice. I challenged them to show me how their position was legal, and i explained to them that it was not. I told them: "You can't just take someone's property, because they won't do with it as you say, when and how you say. That's theft! The fact that you say I will have to pay to get it back or it will be sold and I will not get the money, that's extortion; and that you are claiming that your city ordinances give you some right to do this, when it clearly violates the constitution proves without doubt that you all are running a criminal racket here!"

What i told Todd Parks made him hesitate, because he clearly understood what i was saying. He then relied upon the old Nazi justification for crimes against humanity: "i am [was] only following orders," and he tried to counter with that he has nothing to do with the politics. My reply was that the politics was "the basis for justifying what you are doing." but given his attempt to sidestep liability, i began my endeavor to take this as high as i need to go. I asked who specifically was responsible for this particular ordinance and Todd referred me to the City council. I began planning to address them.

Now what you must understand is that everything about what they are doing is in fact criminal in nature, and illegal as a question of law. it's really common sense when you give a little look at it. "Theft" is by definition: "the action of crime of stealing" and "Stealing" is: "to take another person's property with permission or right an without intention to return it." Now the definitions of extortion are equally as clear: "The practice of taking something, especially money through force or threats." So didn't they threaten to tow my vehicle? if I did not purchase registration plates from a private business (the DMV) and make me give them money for it? or to sell it for money if i did not pay for its return? So what then is the definition of a criminal racket? It says: "An illegal activity, such as bootlegging or extortion of money from legitimate business people by threat or violence."