Friday, January 24, 2014

CASTRATION- The Methods Change But The Mentalities Don’t: Young Black male’s Testicles ripped off by Philadelphia Police

  THIS IS JUST SO VERY FRUSTRATING TO ME! ...because we keep looking and thus reacting to these ATTACKS on us as if they are individual incidents. There's a historical context behind EVERYTHING not only the police, but also the mainstream society does to black people, and the black male especially. Where is our collective memory people!!!? Don't you see how they say "we" (they) beat the British when they talk about their Revolutionary War. This is because they collectively associate themselves with it, and thus their people, as if they were the ones who were actually there doing the fighting! That is the basis of their racial solidarity!, and manipulating us away from such unified mentality is another aspect of how they keep us divided, and thus conquered! But when I CORRECTLY revert to such way of thinking (as we did for millions of years, before they existed) YOU, my own people, tell me I'm crazy, and utter stupid things out of your mouths like: "I ain't no African!... I was born over here!."

 Police, or "Policy Over-seers" as they were called before they became an organized institution, and when they were watching over us for "Massa" on the slave plantations, carried out the standard practices of CASTRATING black males once "Massa" decided that that particular male had bred enough for his lifetime, or as a "Punishment" for some "wrong."

The point is that what police did to this brother is only ANOTHER example proving that our condition (of slavery and persecution) has not ended in American nor the world, but has only evolved to conform to the social and political times! THE METHODS have changed that's all, the mentalities have not changed in 6,000 years, what makes you think they ever will!!!? ...what? because you can have sex with a white person? Well, the Massa would openly come to and rape our women (who would NEVER willingly allow them to touch them), and the "Misses" (the slave masters wife and or Daughters) would sneak down to the barns and make us males go inside them too!!! ...and if you refused, guess what you got!?...THE SAME THING police did to this, our young brother there in Philly! Pay attention to how they speak of him not being in trouble and getting good grades in school!, as if him being in trouble before, and not being an honor student would justify what they did to him. Do you know the source of that type of thinking? It is the SLAVE MASTER / secret or subconsciously RACIST MENTALITY! and it is to say that since he is not "A Problem," meaning he stays "in his place" or in the words they used back then "is a good nigger" it was not okay or at least "abnormal" for them to do that to him. Then the criminal charges -since his mother has the audacity to complain- are because the people of this country are so naïve, that they, YOU ALL, think that police actions are justified if the person is charged with a crime; you subconsciously hold to the false notion that police and the judicial system is one of honor, dignity, and integrity; and that they won't lie, etc. Well, I have irrefutable to the contrary, and spent nearly a decade in prison as a result of their fraudulent, criminal conduct.

 People, why do you only care when it is your loved one who is a victim of all of these evils? I hurt and hate it as if it were me or my own kids every time I see or hear of it. It is a systemic extermination that is being carried out slowly enough so that we cannot see it as such. If we don't come together and MAKE THEM STOP they never will; and so your descendants will, as we are now, suffer the same persecutions as our ancestor did ... because we did not spend our lives and time correcting it! WHAT BETTER WAY TO ENSURE THAT A PEOPLE NEVER REPRODUCE THEMSEVLES, AND THEREFORE GO INTO EXTINCTION THAN TO RIP OFF A BOY'S "BALLS" BY WHICH HE MAKES HIS CHILDREN???

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