Monday, January 13, 2014

....Because "YOU" don't need a Man

This is what happens when you women conform to this "New Age" ideology of the "independent woman," which is contrary to the nature and purpose for which Allah (God) created the Female of our species. It is none but a deception from the evil people who were created and placed upon our planet. The devils!!! and it is the equivelant of a fish being tricked and trained into detesting and despising the idea of swimming and being wet. Imagine a fish saying that: "...What!!!? ...swimming!?..  are you crazy!!! ... I don't need no water!!..." DO you see how crazy that sounds? that's how crazy a woman sounds in ignorantly claiming she doesn't need a man. How arrogant are you that you know better for you than he who created not only you, but also everything else? God!
Then look at how your daughters naively follow your examples, yet you wonder why they engage in the practices of the ancient perverted people of the Island of LESBOS, and call themselves "Lesbians;"  and you wonder why your sons grow up and become dependents upon females and are irresponsible, misguided, uneducated, unproductive, "Baby Daddies," whom you have to argue with and tell: "...You need to grow up and be a man!!..." Why!!!? why would they, when all they've seen all of their childhood is how their mother disrespects, degrades, and despises men! I would not want to be something so hated and made to feel so useless and worthless either!!! My Dear women!!, Please stop destroying me psychologically, and learn of what has been done to my mind through 5oo (and counting) years of physical and MENTAL slavery, and HELP ME uplift my self so that I can be the king that I am by nature, and so very badly want to be to and for you!!! and you will set in motion a sequence of reactions that will ultimately restore and resurrect our family together, and our entire Race! ... I love you with everything in me, but I need you to love me the same! 

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