Global and Personal Insights ... from a unique perspective
Monday, December 8, 2014
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Sunday, September 7, 2014
The Collapse of The American Dream Explained in Animation
What you have or will watch here is the most accurrate and detailed explaination of what has happened in this world; and why things are as they are in America right now! I could not have better explained things myself! and in lieu of this, think of what your situation and condition in America is right now, and how you are being robbed by the Government, through their illegal taxes, which the Federal Reserve's illegal debt collection agency (the "I.R.S.") intimidates you into thinking you owe them! The animated message of what we need to do as well, puts any and everyone who is of any degree of righteousness, dignity, and self-respect at the foot of decision! Which way will you go? Joining them, or standing against such ancient, and long drawn out evils???
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
HomoThug Raps About Gay Love & Tommy Breaks Down How It Harms The Black ...
The brotherhas dropped a very important jewel for you all! How many of us can recall the times that he reollects upon? I can, and our situation today is indeed a sad one. If we do not see, recognize, and understand the war and agenda against us, how will we survive!? I have inhereted the memories of a time when we would have put someone like this "Rapper" to death; and not merely because of his sexual behavior, but for the bigger picture ... the social poison that he is to our people and communitiy!
Sick-minded poeple can have the freedom to live and act like this, but we as a people do not even have the freedom from slaughter by these state-funded armed mercanaries, whcihc they are calling "Police." This insane coward has the freedom of speech to make a song that talks about the things he talks about, yet the people of Furgueson, Missouri do not have the freedom of speech and assembly , that is Garunteed in the National Constitution! This guy is glorifying before the eyes and ears of our impressionable youth, behavior that in the end will result in our racial extermination, and he is allowed to live, but we who defy injustice and oppression are killed cold in the streets!
If these conditions which are forced upon us my people, are not tactics of War against us, then you tell me what is!
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Bill Gates Eugenics Empire Exposed
Ok, what you must understand is that when you have a people who have a nearly inexaustable wealth, they become as arrogant as the Kings and Queens of old. So when they feel like this Earth belongs exclusively to them, like it is their own personal paradise, then what you have (as we are facing now) is a situation in which they feel that all others are like parasites that are of no use nor benefit in the greater whole of things, and thus must be removed.
So those of the "Elite" class in the world, begin as they have, to use their wealth to take death, and dress it up so nobily and beautifully, via their propaganda vessels (the mainstream news media), to not only manipulate us into being accepting victims, but moreso, willing participants in our own extermination! Look at how we accept what ever terms, words, Ideas, etc., that are fed to us by the Tell-Lie-Vision (Tell lies by vision/visual image = Brainwashing [Television]) like for example when the Media told us we were in a "Polar Vortex" which is no real or scientific term at all, that the "Great" planned parenthood is about fostering strong, stable, and "Planned" families, and how we went along with that.
So when they tell us that we must have these "immunization shots" flu shots, etc., etc., we go along with this without any queston nor concern, and the whole time, none of these "Elites" subject themselves nor their families to such. We find in this video, that Bill Gates, the man we all know as the soul of the Microsoft Corporation and our "blessed" XBox, is the son of the head man in charge of the Planned Parenthood Organization, and if you my people would take the time to read a book and study some history, then you would see that Planned Parenthood is now and always has been, doing the same "MASTER RACE" so-called science work as the NAZIS did during Adolf Hitler's reign in Germany!
Look up and study the "science" knon as "Eugenics" and its history, and you will see! Then when you connect the dots you will realize that everyone of us who has ever bought an Xbox or anything from any aspect of the Microsoft Empire (and it is not just them, it is most!!!) ... has basically financed the Biological War Effort to affect your own extermination!
Monday, August 18, 2014
Breaking: Professor Exposes Plan To Collapse America
Pay very close attention to what this professor reveals here!!! and what is being put in place. We all who occupy this land now have an enemy ... who is playing chess in manuvering to affect our total enslavement and ultimate demise (what is Agenda 21 !??) !!! What are you doing to prepare, and what will you do about it!?
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
The Muslimah,The Sunnah, and Polygamy (men having mutliple wives): My insight and perspective
As Salaamu Alaikum. Authu BIliahi Min As-Shaytanir Rajeem; Bismilahi Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahiim. Dear brothers and sisters, I see and read a lot of dispute and debate about the matter for which we are all members of this group for, i.e., marriage and the relations between Muslim Men and Women.
Well, what I find to be the most frequent source of these conflicts is that we generally lack either all or some part of a correct understanding of what it means to be a spouse; and or our specific roles and duties as such. I thus offer only an insight of a tiny portion of this issue, in the hopes that some of us might find clarity, and then look into ourselves to adjust whatever we may need to, that we might one day be successfuil in our endeavor to complete half of our blessed Deen.
We must understand that Allah is the best knower, and that he has given to his Rasul (SAWS) (The Sunnah) the best of ways for us. It is not our place to say that we do not like nor accept, nor even practice his clear and factual sunnah, because then we are innovating and selecting for ourselves certain pieces of a complete way, which fits our own personal preferences; and that! brothers and sisiters is the opposite of being submissive to our Deen, and thus Allah (in as much as Allah would not have given the sunnah to him if it in it's entirety was not good).
So sisters first, you cannot say that you are of the Sunnah, but you "Do not practice..." what ever parts of it that YOU decide is not good. If Polygamy is the Sunnah, then we accept it! because to say you do not, would be no different than one saying "Well, it is the Sunnah, but I don't practice Wudu.." and it opens the door for others to argue such position, using your position as the basis for such.
Then, you must understand that the Sunnah allows for A MAN to have more then one wife. This has nothing to do with, nor is it my understanding that the woman has any involvement or say so in a man's decision to take another wife; but wether you decide to stay with him thereafter IS a matter between the two of you; but again to reject it is to be selective of what parts of the sunnah you follow and which you do not. Audhu Billiah!!!
Sisters are you aware that women are born Globally at a higher rate than men? This is, and always has been, in the sense population, a "woman's world"! Remember baby females used to be buried alive!!!? their higher birth rate was one of the reasons! So Allah being the The Most Merciful, do you think that He would want millions of Muslimahs to spend their entire lives unmarried and alone, and thus by way of such, falling into Zina and things even worse, even apostacy, when he has given to us that marriage is HALF of our Deen? Of course not! for allah could never be a hypocrite!
What then would be a logical and practical solution? Polygamy. So for all of you currently selfish-thinking Muslimahs, do you understand that even if every muslim man on the planet had one wife, that there would still be millions of our sisters without husbands and thus without families of their own? and before you say or even think " what... not my problem... oh well, etc." what if you were one of those millions of Muslimahs leftover withhout a husband and thus without a family!? answer me this ... how then would you complete HALF of our Deen!?
If in Islam we want for our brother and sister what we want for ourselves, would you not want your sister to be happy and have a family, and to complete half of her Deen? or would you rather see her fall into desperation, possibly marry a kuffar, and be lead away from Islam!? and then you complain of not wanting to share your bed with another woman, well, how many of you are sharing your MAN with another woman, but in HER BED and you don't even know it!!!! My relationship of more than Ten years was broken up by muslims fornicating with my woman! So if it is solely a matter of sex or bed sharing, what if the second wife had a seperate home of her own? and which is safer, to know who your husband also lays with and know her, or to not know who he is laying with nor anything about such person (which unfortunately I have seen is not even always a female!)?
So you must understand sisters that Allah knows best, and He has given His Rasul what is best for us! It is not a matter of Allah bestowing a favor on Men, moreso than it is a matter of His bestowing a MERCY on the collective body of the Muslimahs, in that he provides the faculty for you all to complete half of your Deen (by marriage). You must change your perceptions and get out of feeling like you would be wronged or unjust if your husband wanted another wife. Could it not be that he loves you sincerely, but (you not being perfect) he finds in another wife the characteristics he loves, but does not find in you; and which together completes his desires (and not just physical desires, men DO have feelings and emotions also)?
Always consider all aspects of an issue before your come to a determination about things; because from what am seeing and hearing now, every muslimah whom I meet, who is hurting because she is single and alone, and is having trouble finding a husband, is also one of those Muslimahs who reject the parts of the Sunnah where a man may have more than one wife!! and I am always shocked because most of these sisters would be married now, if they accepted an offer from a Muslim whom already has a wife!
Now, lastly sisters, I am not saying lower your standards, but BE REALISTIC when considering and when in courtship with a man. DO NOT expect him to be perfect, when you have flaws of your own; for example, how can you question his morals and judgement (including if wanting another wife), or demand that he treat you like more than what you really are, because he has certain things he will not accept nor tolerate from you or a woman, when you cannot even come to him (nor any man anymore) IN PURITY, meaning as a VIRGIN!
So while you have found him suitable for marriage, and he may have chosen you, always understand that THERE IS ALWAYS ANOTHER MUSLIMAH who will marry him! so treat him kindly, fairly, respectfully, and with APPRECIATION for the fact that he has considered marrying you ... because INGRATITUDE is one of THE MAIN issues that pushes a man away, or into adultery and fornication. It is your responsibility to demonstrate that you can, and are willing to be for him what a wife is supposed to be; a companion and friend, his sanctuary and the source at which he finds peace, and the focus of his emotions and affection.
This world is a constant fight and struggle for the Muslim Man, as he must compete for resources and the necessities of life not only for himself, but for you and his children as well. so if after enduring the fight and struggle for everyday survival of you all, he must come home to, or upon contact with you, he must fight and struggle again (with you),then you will have robbed him of the peace that he has yearned all day for, and will feel exhausted and that he must FLEE FROM YOU; and if he has to go far away, like in search of someone else to engage in courtship with and go through all of the formalities all over again, it is very unlikely that he will return! ...whereas, if only going to one of his other wives, it is very likely that he (loving you sincerely) will return once he feel peace has returned. So is it that you shall lose your husband permanently, or only until you are peaceful agains and kind to him!?
May Allah allow my words and insight to aid any of you whom it will, and may you all be lessed with his mercy and grace. Anything that I have said that is wrong has been of my own mistakes and or lack of knowledge or information, and anything thatI have said that is correct, it has of course come only from Allah. May He bless and save the worldwide Ummah of Islam. Ameen. As salaamu Alaikum wa ramatullahi wa barakatuh!
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
The Devil Was Racist - #RACISM #MUSLIM #UMMAH
This is a truth that many Arabs know, but most ignore and or deny, because of their known and knowningly befriending and cohabitation with Jinns (Devils, and not some invisible "spirits" but people!). Racism however, is not where any one person believes and or claims some benefit and or advantage based on the color of their skin and or their ancestry. It is infact the hatred and oppression of the black Race ... by virtue of their being black, and by non-black persons! This position stands on the fact that no one has been subjected to the inhumanity and centuries of constant sufferring like the so-calledblack people ... all over the world!!! Remember in (Holy Qur'an chapter) Surah Baqq'ra that Allah said that He bestowed his favor upon the children of Isreal (meaning the original people of the earth!) and that He ..."Chose [them] above ALL OTHERS..." !!!
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Is Vanity our Insanity?

Now, while the original person who posted this photo may have meant it to be funny, there is a very real and serious lesson in this picture! This is an example of just how seriously our perceptions of others and more importantly ourselves, has gone degenerate.
This is the result of our trying to adhere to a "culture and custom" that has developed among our people as a result of our first trying to adopt a form of civilization and way of life that firstly was forced upon us, and secondly is contrary to the very nature in which we and the very earth has been created.
This sister has a psychological problem ... in that she believes 1. The more of her body she reveals indicates, declares or even acquires advancement in status on the measure of beauty, which is a perception that plagues the ranks of our black women; and 2. that she is beautiful and "sexy," and the fact is that no one can tell her otherwise.
In such mental state she is far from reality and completely out of touch with who she is and how she presents herself. The fact that this is a mental conditioning that has been specifically done to our people, and which remains in perpetuation today, makes the matter all the more dire!
What you see in this image is reflected in our people as a whole, and in many forms and sizes of people. The blond hairs, the weaves, make-up period, the contact lenses, and various forms of implants! ... Oh you blood descendants of Ancient Geniuses, Kings and Queens!!! Would that you shall destroy yourselves in imitation of a people who have destroyed you by training you into lifestyles that amounts to slow suicide, because they hate you while trying to imitate you, in envy of you in your most true and natural form!!???
Let us step outside of ourselves, and see us as the world does ... because only then can we realize our insanity and make the necessary changes that will allow us to survive a dying world and way of life, as is before us now ... for the people that we worship and aspire to emulate are now building underground cities and the foundations for a second genesis (new beginning / civilization) in preparation for what they know is on the horizon! ...the changing of all things.
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Wretched: Muslim women confront a Christian.
I apologize to the hyper-sensitive but listen to the Guy's logic in trying two explain Christianity as a monotheist religion, when challenged by two Muslim sisters. What he asks of you in order to accept "Jesus" as God is for you to turn off and disregard your logic and commonsense, but also to abandon your intelligence in how to count!!!! One plus one, plus one can NEVER equal one ... yet this is his justification of the "Holy" Trinity. This would have took me forever away from Christianity, if I was one. May Allah Reward the sisters for their patience, intelligence, and Bravery. Ameen.
Friday, January 24, 2014
CASTRATION- The Methods Change But The Mentalities Don’t: Young Black male’s Testicles ripped off by Philadelphia Police

Police, or "Policy Over-seers" as they were called before they became an organized institution, and when they were watching over us for "Massa" on the slave plantations, carried out the standard practices of CASTRATING black males once "Massa" decided that that particular male had bred enough for his lifetime, or as a "Punishment" for some "wrong."
The point is that what police did to this brother is only ANOTHER example proving that our condition (of slavery and persecution) has not ended in American nor the world, but has only evolved to conform to the social and political times! THE METHODS have changed that's all, the mentalities have not changed in 6,000 years, what makes you think they ever will!!!? ...what? because you can have sex with a white person? Well, the Massa would openly come to and rape our women (who would NEVER willingly allow them to touch them), and the "Misses" (the slave masters wife and or Daughters) would sneak down to the barns and make us males go inside them too!!! ...and if you refused, guess what you got!?...THE SAME THING police did to this, our young brother there in Philly! Pay attention to how they speak of him not being in trouble and getting good grades in school!, as if him being in trouble before, and not being an honor student would justify what they did to him. Do you know the source of that type of thinking? It is the SLAVE MASTER / secret or subconsciously RACIST MENTALITY! and it is to say that since he is not "A Problem," meaning he stays "in his place" or in the words they used back then "is a good nigger" it was not okay or at least "abnormal" for them to do that to him. Then the criminal charges -since his mother has the audacity to complain- are because the people of this country are so naïve, that they, YOU ALL, think that police actions are justified if the person is charged with a crime; you subconsciously hold to the false notion that police and the judicial system is one of honor, dignity, and integrity; and that they won't lie, etc. Well, I have irrefutable to the contrary, and spent nearly a decade in prison as a result of their fraudulent, criminal conduct.
People, why do you only care when it is your loved one who is a victim of all of these evils? I hurt and hate it as if it were me or my own kids every time I see or hear of it. It is a systemic extermination that is being carried out slowly enough so that we cannot see it as such. If we don't come together and MAKE THEM STOP they never will; and so your descendants will, as we are now, suffer the same persecutions as our ancestor did ... because we did not spend our lives and time correcting it! WHAT BETTER WAY TO ENSURE THAT A PEOPLE NEVER REPRODUCE THEMSEVLES, AND THEREFORE GO INTO EXTINCTION THAN TO RIP OFF A BOY'S "BALLS" BY WHICH HE MAKES HIS CHILDREN???

Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Our Children are Our Future: A plan and program for success and survival
As one of those who hold to the idea that our children are indeed our future, I cannot help but to observe the condition of today’s youth; and concede that we, the adults of the present, because of the plight of our young, are in a state of peril. We see the killing of children by the parents, the killing of parents by the children, eruption of misplaced rage by children in the form of mass-shootings at schools, even the mass-shootings of public places and Government institutions by persons of all walks of life, and the molestation of children by religious figures. The future of our existence has never been more in danger than it is now.
As a single father of three teenage and preteen girls, this discussion touches me personally, as at this moment, I am dealing with this issue in my own household. I therefore come from firsthand experience and offer a remedy to aspects of the problems we face as adults / parents, to ensure the success of our children; which unfortunately equates to their and thus our, survival.
Since we understand that our children are our future, in order to ensure their success we must first comprehend their conditions and circumstances in the context of the current state of affairs in today’s society and world. And the current predicaments make the vision of the world when inherited by them look very bleak for us, whom will be the seniors, and whose daily lives will be affected by decisions they make.
When we examine their overall condition, and get a grasp on it, we then must determine what is beneficial and detrimental to them in all things. We must weigh in individual factors such as family customs, those that are not harmful to the children presently nor in their adult lives in the future -this being because to address issues only relevant to their childhood amounts merely to a pacification of any problem(s) and does nothing in the furtherance of the agenda and focus of this examination- then, the adverse effects of the physical and social environment where they are raised, so that any methods / measures of dealing with any issues, are not undermined or nullified by their exposure to influences outside of the home without you as a buffer; an example being where you teach your children that smoking and drinking is harmful to them and that they should not do it, then they are offered those things by peers, a schoolmate, or someone in the streets.
I explain to my oldest daughter that in our culture and ancestral customs, our women do not wear “makeup,” especially the poisonous compounds of boiled garbage (I mean that literally) which constitute most of the brands available to the public, and that this is not only because of what these things are in truth made of, but because we understand the subliminal and subconscious effects and harms inflicted on our unguided and thus very impressionable minds by our embracing of such things; i.e., that the idea that one needs to “improve” upon what has been made perfect in its own way by the creator of all things, teaches us unconscious rebellion to his will and ways, thus earning his wrath; and that moreover, in the context of what we as the descendants of slaves have and continue to be subjected to here, to embrace such things which we have adopted from our former slave masters’ children, and which in reality are a means by which others attempt to imitate our natural physical characteristics, amounts to our demonstrating of self-hatred; as we have been taught that we are ugly and that we are in need of “improvement.”
I tell them that I as their father reject such ideas, any actions / conduct derived therefrom, and am hostile in opposition to everyone who would have my family embrace such. Even in lieu of this, knowing the nature of a woman to want to beautify herself, I accepted and allowed them to use light enhancements, made of all natural products, as has been done by our people for millions of years; and despite all of this, their mother, herself traumatized by growing up poor and being ridiculed for that, allows our 13 year old to follow the behavior of her friends, giving her makeup, sexual clothing, fake nails, hair weaves, as seen in the streets and in music videos.
Finally, once we have a thorough assessment of as many factors as possible which can affect our families, then we must isolate the specific things, both that which is good and which is not good for them, and both directly and indirectly encourage those beneficial things and prevent or correct every aspect of what is harmful to them. We must keep constant in recognition that children are just that, “Children” and know that regardless of how physically mature (developed) they may be, they’re minds take far more time to develop the level of comprehension and understanding which would enable them to make decisions that will have a dramatic outcome on the rest of their lives … so no, we do not leave these “choices” up to them, because to do so, when you have done nothing to guide that child’s mind beyond your examples of perverted perception and degenerate behavior equates to inflicting upon them yourself the harms that they will inevitably suffer being unprepared in a predatory society and world.
The mother of my children teaches them that to be “cute” and received favorably by those whom we surround ourselves with is of the highest priority, and “punishes” them by the denial of new articles of clothing and footwear, and the “threat” to send them (home) to their father; while failing to teach them of self-respect, dignity, values, integrity, and among others the life or death importance of education and the understanding of one’s place in time and the world, the original nature in which we were created as a people, what it is and means to be a family, a household, and in a relationship, and the specific roles we play therein and according to our particular genders. What then, kind of adult do we become, lacking these things?
The first step then, in ensuring our children's success and survival, is to examine our own perceptions of right and wrong, good and bad, and to grasp our own reality. We must understand our situation and the world we live in as adults, as it is a far different place than it is for them. We accomplish this by -to the greatest degree we are able- withdrawing from the mainstream culture and influences, studying history to gain a knowledge of self and kind (one’s own people), a true knowledge of others, and a true account of the sequence of world events leading to the present; and these can be simultaneous to your normal life-sustaining activities.
I have done all of these myself, and my sound assessment is that we are immersed in a failing society and ultimately a failed civilization (wars based on lies, corruption at the highest levels of power, and a failing economy); and that our children, having the potential to hasten it, save it, or even what is most feared of them, challenge the current state of things, are under attack by the forces that currently benefit from the way things are; that they may be led far astray from reality and the realization that a global change is very much underway.
Once we have grasped ourselves, then we have to evaluate our own detriments according to the proper standards; investigate the origins of our detrimental thinking, as it is the root of our degenerate behavior and thus our misguidance or failure to guide our children; and rectify it. This is necessary since it is impossible to correct a defect without understanding its mechanics and causes. Then we must do the same for them.
Questions we have to ask ourselves are: “What do I think?”, “What does thinking this make me do?”, “Why do I think this?” and “What should I be thinking?” Because in understanding “What” you think, and “Why” you think that way, you can correct or adjust your mentality so that you are properly oriented morally and are qualified to lead / guide / teach / train. How can we say don’t drink, smoke, degrade yourselves, etc., when we go out to Bars and Clubs every night or weekend, and are high and drunk, and engage in sexuality without any semblance of a structured relationship, and with multiple persons? and, as our plight as a people is perpetuated through each generation, to stop it, we must do all of these things the same for our children.
The youth must be made to know that things are wrong, so they will understand exactly what’s wrong, why and how it’s wrong, how those wrongs were manifested, and whom is responsible for creating them. This is essential, as this format will deny the child of any platform upon which they could refuse or reject your position, as not being thought out, unsound, and thus irrational. My middle child tries to refute me by asking how it is that I know that what I’m saying to her is true, albeit right; and attempts to dismiss me as having read such in a book -implying that I am incapable of intelligent thought and comprehension and am merely reiterating those positions to her. I am able to give her irrefutable real world examples of the things I speak of and against, even from my own life experiences, and examples illustrating how they are, why they are, and the exact harm they do to their naive victims. With examples of people who are victims from her own generation, I therefore make the point that my aim is to prevent and thus protect my children from suffering the same fates.
Now at this point you should clearly have the children's attention; you now have to get a grasp on every aspect of your existence, your residential location, your financial situation, your relationship with the overall community, what institutional and or structural resources are available, your particular culture and or religion, and your child’s specific needs.
Once you have done that, put together a concise plan of action that gradually (depending on the severity and urgency of the child’s specific needs) but constantly brings the kids firstly out of any physical circumstances that are at the root of the problem(s), then out of the mental state or way of thinking (the “perceptions”) which allows or enables them to engage, and or be affected / influenced by that which is harmful to them, and makes them harmful to others. This is because a perception that something is pleasurable or even acceptable creates a desire for such, especially in lieu of no alternatives.
Because my daughters have a lot of maternal aunts and cousins, they are emboldened by their ability to form a large body to meet physical confrontations, so they have developed a taste for conflict. The manifestation of this is that in every situation, my daughters fail to perceive any interactions with non-familiar persons, outside of the context of a confrontation. The result is that they are unstable and violent; and so I can’t take them out in public without having to physically prevent them from fighting or trying to fight nearly everyone they encounter, for reasons such as “looking at them,” or in the case of most females, “thinking she cute.” Such mentality is indeed a danger to the public, and to anyone in the immediate vicinity.
So lastly, prevent all idleness of mind and body; keep them busy and immersed in the new, corrective, and or restorative things and ways, and clarify / highlight the positive benefits of the new focus and direction, and hastily reward progress so that you will prevent backsliding to those degenerate ways by virtue of them being familiar and thus false “comforts.”
As delineated by the examples given above which come out of my own addressing of this very crucial issue, with my own family, these steps -with minor adjustments to conform to one’s specific situation- will without doubt ensure that your child(ren) is successful in this world, and is a platform upon which they can build a strong, stable foundation; and since this plan is formatted for it to be a counter-measure to the systemic influencing to detrimental behavior -which has been designed to be multi-generational- this corrective platform when perpetuated down the lineage will thereby ensure not only the success of your child because they are your future, but also will ensure a dignified legacy, existence, and the very survival of a your family. And so in the interest thereof, I respectfully and humbly submit to you this, my plan and program.
Monday, January 13, 2014
....Because "YOU" don't need a Man
This is what happens when you women conform to this "New Age" ideology of the "independent woman," which is contrary to the nature and purpose for which Allah (God) created the Female of our species. It is none but a deception from the evil people who were created and placed upon our planet. The devils!!! and it is the equivelant of a fish being tricked and trained into detesting and despising the idea of swimming and being wet. Imagine a fish saying that: "...What!!!? ...swimming!?.. are you crazy!!! ... I don't need no water!!..." DO you see how crazy that sounds? that's how crazy a woman sounds in ignorantly claiming she doesn't need a man. How arrogant are you that you know better for you than he who created not only you, but also everything else? God!
Then look at how your daughters naively follow your examples, yet you wonder why they engage in the practices of the ancient perverted people of the Island of LESBOS, and call themselves "Lesbians;" and you wonder why your sons grow up and become dependents upon females and are irresponsible, misguided, uneducated, unproductive, "Baby Daddies," whom you have to argue with and tell: "...You need to grow up and be a man!!..." Why!!!? why would they, when all they've seen all of their childhood is how their mother disrespects, degrades, and despises men! I would not want to be something so hated and made to feel so useless and worthless either!!! My Dear women!!, Please stop destroying me psychologically, and learn of what has been done to my mind through 5oo (and counting) years of physical and MENTAL slavery, and HELP ME uplift my self so that I can be the king that I am by nature, and so very badly want to be to and for you!!! and you will set in motion a sequence of reactions that will ultimately restore and resurrect our family together, and our entire Race! ... I love you with everything in me, but I need you to love me the same!
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